Are you looking to host a fun and creative event?
Collage making is a great way to express yourself and connect with others!
Hosting a collage workshop can be a great way to engage
with your community, friends, and/or colleagues.
I consider all aspects in organizing successful workshops:
from helping you plan or promote your event to
gathering materials/providing everything you need
as well as guiding participants through the process.
With a variety of materials and, everyone can create a unique and personalized piece of art.
Workshops/Events Include:
Hand picked selection of materials:
magazines, books, calendars, colored paper, etc.
A variety of substrates:
cardboard, thick paper, watercolor paper, etc.
Scissors, Cutting Knives, Cutting Mats
Glue sticks
Custom theme/subject intro demonstration

If you'd like to talk about putting together a collage event/workshop, please click the button below to fill out a form and I will be in touch about details & scheduling!